You may have noticed I've been tinkering with the site. I'm hoping to finish messing around next week, but I need my CSS expert at home to help. I surprise myself with what I'm able to accomplish coding-wise, but it always gets to a point where I get stuck. Anyway, please be patient with me while I figure out the new layout/images! Here's some links I've been spending time with this week...
I've gotten into Draw Something (like everyone else it seems)
A history of London's coffeehouses
Neon dip-dyed easter eggs
A really impressive Sydney baking blog
A song that's been in my head a lot
Lastly, I'll be in Doylestown tomorrow for the 5 Star Crafters show!
700 Shady Retreat Road, Doylestown, PA, 10am-4pm
Love the new logo!