
I'll be posting any upcoming classes I'll be teaching here!

New Classes
April 16, 23, 30, 10-2pm (three day class)  
Stained Glass Vessels

Learn the basics of 3-dimensional stained glass construction with a three day class. This class is perfect for the advanced beginner to intermediate artist. Over the three weeks we will learn the fundamentals of 3d construction, going over the steps necessary to create a 3-d box with a hinged lid before moving on to a more elaborate Chinese lantern. Depending on the existing skill-set of the students, two box patterns and three lantern patterns will be available, allowing for more complex or simplified construction.

Registration Deadline: 4/4/2012
Class Fee: $140.00
Location: Warner Stained Glass, 795 Roble Road, Suite A, Allentown, PA
Space is limited. Please call 800-523-4242 to reserve your spot.

May 17, 24, 31, 10-2pm (three day class) 
Stained Glass Terrariums (construct open and closed terrariums)

Learn about more complex 3-dimensional stained glass construction with a three day class. This class is suitable for the intermediate to advanced artist. Over the three weeks we will explore the basics of 3d construction in order to construct a glass terrarium. With guidance, the students will decide whether to create an open or closed terrarium (or both), create their own pattern (ideas for templates will be shown), and construct their individual terrarium using lead-free soldering. Ideas for soil, plants, terrarium themes, and care will be discussed.

Registration Deadline: 5/1/2012
Class Fee: $140.00
Location: Warner Stained Glass, 795 Roble Road, Suite A, Allentown, PA
Space is limited. Please call 800-523-4242 to reserve your spot.

Old Classes
Mon., December 12, 10-2pm
Beginner Stained Glass Ornaments

Learn the basics of stained glass art with this 4 hour class. Perfect for the beginner artist! In this class we will cover the basics of stained glass construction, including cutting, grinding, foiling and soldering. By the end of the 4 hours each student will have learned the skills necessary to create a 5-pointed star ornament and a holiday tree ornament, just in time for the holiday giving season!

Registration Deadline: Monday, December 5
Class Fee: $50.00
Location: Warner Stained Glass, 795 Roble Road, Suite A, Allentown, PA
Space is limited. Please call 800-523-4242 to reserve your spot.

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to attend these classes. I'm interested in incorporating what I'd learn into glass pool fencing Perth.
