Tuesday, October 4, 2011

show: weekend photos

Stained glass sculptures: Burst, Ideas, Dodecahedron No.3, Icosahedron No.1, 2011

This Sunday was the Downingtown Log House Arts & Crafts Show.  Even though the weather was definitely not in our favor, the show was still very fun, mainly because I got to hang out with my friend Ann and catch up with my new crafty friend, Tracy of Punkrocknits :)

Tables set up with a few new lamps!
Despite the chilly, damp weather, there were still quite a few people around!

Icosahedron Light Fixture, 2011

And I got to try out my new design - a large hanging stained glass icosahedron sculpture, which is suitable to hang over a light fixture or just as an artwork to catch the sunlight.  I really like this piece.  I am looking forward to getting a house one day where I can use one as an entrance light fixture!

Unfortunately, then the rain came.  We stuck it out until 3pm, but then packed up the car in record time and turned the heat on max!  When we got home we made some sausage and mash to warm us up :)  Hopefully some nice, mild fall weather comes back by the end of this week (and sticks around for the PA Guild Show in two weeks!)

Check out more photos from the show at my facebook page!

I'm hoping to have two of the lamps in my shop by Wednesday 
(depending on if the sun comes out so I can take photos!)

© 2011 ABJ Glassworks
All Rights Reserved

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